G.O. For Change

Changing people, places, and things one blog at a time…

Archive for December 2010

The Decision: Who You REALLY Should be MAD With

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Tonight, most of us watched LeBron James play his former team in his former city which he just shitted on  “took his talents to South Beach”. Cleveland looked as though they were going to give LeBron the WORST heckling/taunting/booing/inappropriate chant fest EVER!( which they really didn’t, very disappointing) But when you really look at it, they were booing the wrong people. It wasn’t LeBron, or D-Wade, or even Bosh; the REAL people who should be booed, are the people who make up the front office of the Cleveland Cavaliers!

 I know! Crazy right? But really, when you think about it, it is the Cav’s fault that he left. I’ll explain:

The NBA is a business a performance based business, and in that business, you are constantly changing; the NBA went from “Bad Boys” with the Pistons, to “Run and Gun” with the Suns.  Power forwards and Centers now shoot three-point shots, and even teams like the Clippers seem somewhat relevant.  The fact is, in order to be a winner, a team must make the necessary changes for success.  What happened was Cleveland did not look at it as a business, but more like a family. They used things like these to convince LeBron to stay:



What the front office SHOULD have been doing was finding out what it would take for him to stay, instead of singing and dancing. They should have been signing some real talent- not Mo Williams, or Jamison, or even Shaq (even though he one of my favorite players), but top 10 players. They also should have talked to him and asked him who HE wanted there; then, they could have at least made it difficult for him to leave, but they didn’t.

The lesson here is simple: do not use emotions to fix problems. IT DOESN’T WORK! What people need to do is getting to the root of issues, and solve them. If you are presented with problems, don’t sugarcoat!  If someone brings you a plate of dog crap with sprinkles, sparklers, and a bow——-it’s still CRAP!  This situation happened to Kobe previously. The mere MENTION of Kobe leaving sent L.A. into a frenzy! (I was going to book a flight just in time for “L.A. riots 2”, so I can get a 65’ flatscreen) You know what the Laker’s front office did? They changed things around! They got better players, and next thing you know—-POW! championship rings!! So when you have issues with people in your life, deal with them, before they deal with you…..As always, thanks for reading.  (Ps. If this was Michael Jordan, he would have scored 79 points…seriously) (p.p.s.  38 points is good too…)

Written by Garry O'Neal Jr.

December 2, 2010 at 11:39 pm